Session 1: Automatic Tools for Digital Libraries
Chair: Frank McCown (Harding University)
David Carmel, Elad Yom-Tov and Haggai Roitman
David Bamman and Gregory Crane
Sulieman Bani-Ahmad and Gultekin Ozsoyoglu
Hong Cui
Session 2: Users Lost in Information
Chair: Catherine C. Marshall (Microsoft)
Veronica Liesaputra and Ian Witten
Alia Amin, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Lynda Hardman and Annelies van
Fernando Loizides and George Buchanan
Max L. Wilson and m.c. schraefel
Session 3: Education
Chair: Richard Furuta (Texas A&M University)
Rene Reitsma, Byron Marshall and Michael Dalton
David McArthur and Lee Zia
David Yaron, Jodi Davenport, Michael Karabinos, Gaea Leinhardt, Laura
Bartolo, John Portman, Cathy Lowe, Donald Sadoway, W. Craig Carter and
Colin Ashe
Huda Khan, Keith Maull and Tamara Sumner
Session 4: Geography and Trust on the Web
Chair: Greg Janee (University of California at Santa Barbara)
Adrian Popescu, Gregory Grefenstette and Pierre
Alain Moëllic
Ramaswamy Hariharan, Bijit Hore and Sharad Mehrotra
James Caverlee, Ling Liu and Steve Webb
Panel 1: NSDL: Past, Present, Future
Paul Conway, University of Michigan (moderator)
Kathleen Koch, NSDL Middle School Portal
Kim Lightle, Ohio State University
David McArthur, GoH LLC
David Yaron, Carnegie Mellon University
Lee Zia, National Science Foundation
In this session, panelists will highlight early drivers and
themes in the development of NSDL and also present experiences "from
the field" in the use of different content and services of NSDL
in various educational settings -- both in the K-12 sector and in higher
education. There will also be discussion of future directions for NSDL
set in the context of NSF's larger emphasis on developing and providing
cyberinfrastructure for the research and education enterprise.
Session 5: Preservation and Archiving
Chair: Ray R. Larson (University of
California, Berkley)
Stephan Strodl, Florian Motlik, Kevin Stadler and Andreas Rauber
Frank McCown and Michael Nelson
Greg Janee, Justin Mathena and James Frew
Session 6: It's the Metadata, Stupid
Chair: Edward Fox (Virginia Tech)
Jane Hunter, Imran Khan and Anna Gerber
Emma Tonkin and Henk Muller
Xiaonan Lu, James Z. Wang and C. Lee Giles
Session 7: Expanding Search
Chair: Gary Marchionini (University of North Carolina)
Billl N. Schilit and Okan Kolak
Jin Zhao, Min-Yen Kan and Yin Leng Theng
David Milne, David Nichols and Ian Witten
Panel 2: Digital Libraries and the Global Economy: National
and International Perspectives on the Knowledge Universe
Jill Cousins, The European Library and the European Digital Library
Christopher Greer, US National Coordination Office for Networking and Information
Technology Research and Development
Joyce Ray, Institute of Museum and Library Services (moderator)
Jean Sykes, London School of Economics, representing the UK’s Joint Information
Systems Committee
Max Voegler, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)/German Research Foundation
A US report issued in August 2007 by the
President’s Council
of Advisors on Science and Technology, Leadership Under Challenge:
Information Technology R&D in a Competitive World, states
that “leadership in science and technology—and networking
and information technology (NIT) in particular—is essential to
the Nation’s global competitiveness and economic prosperity.” To
what extent do national interests compete against the interests of
other entities such as multinational corporations and organizations,
and of the public good, in the global economy? How do policies on access
to digital content and services affect downstream markets? Can universal
access to information fuel sustainable worldwide economic growth? Panelists
will describe the priorities of their respective organizations and
discuss these larger questions in a national and international context.
Session 8: Video by the People, for the People
Chair: Michael Christel (Carnegie Mellon University)
Sally Jo Cunningham and David M. Nichols
Robert Capra, Christopher Lee, Gary Marchionini, Terrell Russell, Chirag
Shah and Fred Stutzman
Robert Villa, Nick Gildea and Joemon Jose
Session 9: Best Paper Finalists
Best Paper:
Catherine C. Marshall, "From Writing
and Analysis to the Repository: Taking the Scholar’s Perspective
in Scholarly Arch."
Best Student Paper:
Yi Huang and Michael S. Brown, "User-Assisted Ink-Bleed Correction
for Handwritten Documents."
Chair: Mor Naaman (Yahoo!)
Johan Bollen, Herbert Van de Sompel and Marko A. Rodriguez
Michael Christel and Michael Frisch
Catherine C. Marshall
Session 10: Content from Documents
Chair: Michael Khoo (Drexel University)
Yi Huang and Michael S. Brown
Manabu Ohta and Atsuhiro Takasu
William Browuer, Saurabh Kataria, Sujatha Das, Prasenjit Mitra and C.
Lee Giles
Erik Hetzner
Session 11: Data from the Web
Chair: Simeon Warner (Cornell Information Science)
Satoshi Oyama, Kenichi Shirasuna and Katsumi Tanaka
Denilson Alves Pereira, Berthier Ribeiro-Neto, Nivio Ziviani and
Alberto H. F. Laender
Paul Bogen, Joshua Johnston, Unmil Karadkar, Richard Furuta and Frank
Session 12: Platforms and Users in Digital Libraries
Chair: José Luis Borbinna (Technical University of Lisbon)
Dean Krafft, Aaron Birkland and Ellen Cramer
Prisca Tibenderana
David Bainbridge, Steve Jones, Sam McIntosh, Matt Jones and Ian Witten
Peter Brusilovsky, Michael Yudelson and I-Han Hsiao
Session 13: Beyond Text
Chair: Adrian Popescu (CEA LIST)
Xiaoyue Wang, Lexiang Ye, Eamonn Keogh and Christian Shelton
Ehsan Fazl-Ersi, I. Scott MacKenzie and John K. Tsotsos
Corey Goldfeder and Peter Allen
Guo Min Liew and Min-Yen Kan
Jinlin Chen and Keli Xiao
Session 14: Archiving and Web Tools for Digital Libraries
Chair: Chirag Shah (University of North Carolina)
Christoph Becker, Hannes Kulovits, Andreas Rauber and Hans Hofman
Frank McCown and Michael Nelson
Michael Khoo, Joe Pagano, Anne Washington, Mimi Recker, Bart Palmer
and Robert Donahue
David Nichols, Chu-Hsiang Chan, David Bainbridge, Dana McKay and Michael
Session 15: Interfaces and Navigation
Chair: Gene Golovchinsky (FX Palo Alto Laboratory)
George Buchanan and Tom Owen
Youngjoo Park and Richard Furuta
Aaron Bauer and Kenneth Koedinger
David Bainbridge and Ian Witten